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quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2007

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Emoções, sentimentos.
Eu sou cheia de vida e cheia de histórias para contar. Eu tenho arte para mostrar.
Eu sou criativa e penso em dizer a todos na Internet sobre meus pensamentos.
Valorizo o meu trabalho, valorizo o meu lazer.
Meu site vai falar sobre isso.
Sobre o trabalho ou sobre o lazer, sobre manias ou sobre hobbies, sobre crianças ou sobre homens. Sobre mulheres e relacionamento.
Sobre poesia, sobre moda, sobre esoterismo ou espiritualidade.
Sobre fantasia, sobre mim ou sobre família.

Este espaço é para a minha criatividade. Meu site.

Clik to image e view images transformers

{o mais novo filme no cinema!}

O termo '''''Transformers''''' pode referir-se a:
* [[Universo Transformers]] - O universo de Transformers, robôs alienígenas que alteram sua forma.
* [[Transformers (desenho animado)|Transformers (desenho)]] - Desenho animado dos anos 80.
* [[The Transformers: The Movie]] - filme de 1986, originário da série animada
* [[Transformers (filme)]] - Filme de ação de [[2007]].

[[Categoria:Transformers series]]

{{minidesambig|outros significados de Transformers|Transformers}}
'''Transformers''' foi uma série que se tornou febre no [[Brasil]] e em [[Portugal]] a partir de [[1987]]. No início, era apenas um desenho transmitido nas manhãs de domingo pela emissora [[Rede Globo]] e alguns anos mais tarde pela [[Rede Record]], mas depois, a [http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrela_%28brinquedos%29 Estrela] passou a distribuir os brinquedos e a [[Editora Globo]] a publicar o gibi, tornando a série ainda mais famosa. Em Portugal, a colecção completa da primeira edição de brinquedos era difícil de encontrar por que a maioria não chegou a ser comercializada no território português.

== Origem ==
A origem da série é um pouco estranha, pois várias empresas possuem os direitos de autor, tornando tudo muito confuso.

No [[Japão]], existe uma grande empresa de brinquedos chamada [[Takara]], dona de várias subsidiárias que produzem brinquedos sob sua marca. Esses brinquedos possuem séries próprias, mas sem muita divulgação ou investimento promocional. Basicamente, são apenas as embalagens com os brinquedos com algumas histórias impressas em encartes ou no verso da embalagem.

Nos [[anos 80]], a empresa americana [[Hasbro]] (dona de vários brinquedos conhecidos nossos como Comandos em Ação), fechou contrato com a [[Takara]], adquirindo os direitos de distribuir seus brinquedos nos [[Estados Unidos da América|EUA]]. No primeiro momento, resolveram distribuir duas séries: Diaclone e Microman.

Porém, como esses brinquedos não possuíam um plano comercial, resolveram criar um desenho animado para divulgá-los. Nascia assim os '''Transformers'''.

== A história ==
A série começa no planeta [[Cybertron]] onde os Quintessons desenvolveram duas raças de Robôs para servi-los; robôs vivos classificados em dois tipos: os operários (para manutenção e reparo) e os militares.

Porém, os robôs militares se julgavam superiores aos operários, pois eram mais poderosos, utilizando a força para dominar os mais fracos. Cansados da perseguição, os robôs operários decidiram se unir e lutar por sua liberdade. Assim, os habitantes de Cybertron se dividiram em duas facções, os [[Autobots]] (operários) e os [[Decepticons]] (militares), iniciando as Guerras Cybertronianas.

Essa guerra se alastrou por eras, devastando e consumindo as fontes de energia do planeta. Essa energia se chama [[Energon]] e é essencial para a existência dos robôs.

Apesar dos [[Autobots]] lutarem bravamente, sempre estão em desvantagem, pois, ao contrário dos [[Decepticons]], não foram projetados para batalhas. Desesperados, vários Autobots, liderados por [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Optimus.jpg Lider Optimus Prime], embarcam na nave espacial [[Arca]] e partem em busca de novas fontes de energia. Mas seu plano é descoberto pelo líder Decepticon [[Megatron]], que os persegue com a nave [[Nemesis]].

Para evitar o confronto, os Autobots entram em um cinturão de [[asteróides]] para despistar os Decepticons, mas mesmo assim eles conseguiram abordar a Arca. Sem ninguém para pilotar, a Arca penetrou ainda mais no cinturão, sendo atingida pelos [[meteoros]], danificando a todos em seu interior e desativando todos os sistemas e seguindo sem rumo pelo espaço. Atraídas pelo campo gravitacional, ambas as naves caem no planeta [[Terra]].

Os seres de [[Cybetron]] permanecem desativados por 4 milhões de anos até que, em [[1984]], uma [[erupção vulcânica]] reativa [[Teletran 1]], o super computador da nave Arca, que inicia os procedimentos de reparos em seu interior.

Por acaso, [[Skywarp]], um Seeker Decepticon, estava caído sobre a mesa de reparo, ativando o sistema de reestruturação de Teletran 1. Esse sistema, lança um [[satélite]] que segue até a [[atmosfera]] e localiza formas padrões que serão utilizadas como [[camuflagens]] pelos robôs. Pesquisando o planeta, Teletran 1 avalia que existem muitas formas mecânicas, e decide utilizá-las para reconstruir o robô danificado na mesa.

Então, Skywarp é reestruturado em um [[F-15 Eagle]] e reativado. Vendo a situação, ele pega seus companheiros e coloca-os, um-a-um, na mesa para serem reestruturados e reativados.

Reativados, os Decepticons saem da Arca e, chefiados por Megatron, partem abandonando os Autobots desativados, possivelmente para sempre. Desejando se certificar de que os Autobots não voltem a funcionar, Starscream causa o soterramento da Arca. Porém, este ataque estremece a nave, fazendo com que [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Optimus.jpg Lider Optimus] caia na frente do sensor de Teletran 1 e reative o sistema de reestruturação, revivendo o líder dos Autobots. Posteriormente, Teletran 1 reativa os autobots remanescentes.

Enquanto isso, os Decepticons descobrem que o planeta é rico em fontes naturais de energia, e resolvem explorar isso para reabastecer suas tropas no planeta Cybertron. Os Autobots percebem que seus adversários não devem ter acesso às riquezas da terra para usá-las com fins bélicos e decidem detê-los. Estes eventos possibilitariam o primeiro contato da espécie humana com formas de vida [[alienígenas]].

== Surgimento, transformação e evolução da espécie "Transformer" ==
No seu planeta natal, Cybertron, um processo evolucionário ao longo de milhões de anos fez com que os [[robôs]] se desenvolvessem, podendo assumir novas formas para disfarce ou para exercer melhor suas tarefas. Um robô poderia, por exemplo, se transformar em um jato para voar, ou em um submarino para suportar as pressões oceânicas. Desta forma, ao aterrizar na terra, tanto autobots quanto decepticons assumiram formas alternativas baseadas em veículos, equipamentos e armas terrestres, podendo se disfarçar e assumir funções diferenciadas. Dotados de livre arbítrio, estes construtos podem ser considerados [[formas de vida]].

Também surgiram robôs com características femininas, de acordo com as tarefas que devessem desempenhar, embora não se possa afirmar que exista uma diferenciação de sexo entre os transformers, em virtude do fato dos mesmos quais não se reproduzem de forma sexuada.

Principais marcos evolucionários:
*Robôs humanóides sem livre arbítrio. Não considerados formas de vida.
*Robôs humanóides com livre arbítrio oriundos da agregação de uma [[alma]] ("spark" em inglês) a robôs comuns. Em portugûes esta alma também é chamada centelha. A alma de um transformer seria gerada através do computador [[Vector Sigma]], que originou indivíduos com comportamentos e personalidades distintos. Já nesta fase existe a divisão entre robôs de trabalho civil ([[Autobots]]) e robôs militares ([[Decepticons]]). A partir deste momento, pode se afirmar que mais uma forma de vida surgiu no universo.
*Robôs com capacidade de transformação. Esta nova mudança permitiu o acesso a ambientes hostis, disfarce e espionagem e a realização de tarefas mais específicas. Daí a origem do nome da série, "Transformers".
*Robôs transformers com capacidade de vôo na forma robótica humanóide. Antes dessa evolução, alguns transformers poderiam voar apenas caso se transformassem em veículos voadores.
*Robôs de maior porte formados pela união e operação conjunta de vários transformers. Exemplos: constructicons, aerialbots.

É possível a transição de um estágio evolucionário para outro por meio de atualizações nos mecanismos de hardware dos transformers. Este "upgrade" também pode ser menos drástico, como uma mudança de cor ou uma alteração mais radical, com potencial de influências na personalidade e funcionalidades do indivíduo [[cibernético]].

É importante salientar que a evolução desta forma de vida teve várias ramificações não presentes neste texto, muitas das quais controversas por não estarem presentes na série original e no filme animado da década de 80.

O conceito tradicional de [[espécie]] prevê o intercâmbio de material genético entre indivíduos de uma mesma espécie. No entanto, para os transformers que possuem corpos eletromecânicos esta definição não se aplica, devendo ser adaptada ou recriada com base no novo paradigma.

Fica em aberto o questionamento se existe apenas uma ou se há várias "espécies transformers".

== '''O Filme''' ==

O filme Transformers é dirigido por Michael Bay e produzido por Steven Spielberg, Don Murphy e Tom DeSanto. O roteiro escrito por Roberto Orci e Alex Kurtzman e efeitos especias da ILM(industrial light and magic).

O filme segue uma estética de design mais complexa que as encarnações anteriores de Transformers, bem como um foco maior nos humanos. Assim como o próprio filme de duas potenciais seqüências, haverão quatro revista em quadrinhos de prólogos da IDW Publishing e outro prólogo no livro '''Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday'''.

A primeira edição da revista mostra que Optimus Prime e Megatron governavam Cybertron juntos, até Megatron começar uma guerra para controlar totalmente a criadora de vida '''Allspark'''. Optimus a envia a outro planeta para se certificar que Megatron não poria suas mãos nela.

Bumblebee, um herói de guerra, é enviado para encontrá-la, pois a ausência dela causará o fim de Cybertron.[71]

Megatron chega à Terra para capturar a Allspark, mas ao aterrizar no Ártico ele queima na reentrada e perdendo '''energon''' ele entre em hibernação. No século 19, o Capitão Witwicky descobre seu corpo, e ele é levado pelo '''Sector 7''' para ser guardado.{{Comic book reference | writer = [[Simon Furman]], Chris Ryall | penciller = [[Don Figueroa]] | title= Transformers: The Movie Prequel | issue=2 | date=[[2007-03-21]] | publisher=[[IDW Publishing]]}} Em 1969, Sector 7 havia projetado uma nave espacial chamada Ghost 1 a partir de Megatron e a lança no mesmo dia que a Apollo 11 como distração.

Ela registra uma batalha entre os Autobots e os Decepticons em seus postos na Arca e na Nêmesis e acabam sacrificando suas vidas. Sabendo da localização de Megatron, eles vem à Terra. Forças soviéticas tentam roubar Megatron mas são mortos durante sua breve reativação.{{Comic book reference | writer = [[Simon Furman]], Chris Ryall | penciller = [[Don Figueroa]] | title = [[Transformers: The Movie Prequel]] | date = April 2007 | issue = 3 | publisher = [[IDW Publishing]]}}

Optimus Prime, Megatron e Bumblebee estarão no filme, bem como Barricade, Blackout, Bonecrusher, Brawl, Frenzy, Ironhide, Jazz, Ratchet, Scorponok, Starscream.{{cite web| title = Transformers undisguised| publisher = Yahoo!| date = [[2006-08-18]]| url = http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1808716430/trailer| format = Webcast| accessdate = 2007-01-14}}

== Sobre a série ==

Uma vez que '''Transformers''' foi uma série licenciada sem direitos exclusivos, qualquer empresa que a adquirisse poderia fazer qualquer alteração na história e em seus personagens. Isto se refletiu nas divergências de cronologia entre as séries de desenho animado, quadrinhos e computação gráfica.

Por exemplo, no desenho animado, os habitantes de Cybertron foram criados por seres chamados [[Quintessons]]. Já nos gibis da [[Marvel]], eles foram criados pela entidade Primus, o próprio planeta Cybetron, para protegê-lo. Origens a parte, o início das Guerras Cybertronianas e a chegada ao planeta Terra sempre é contado de forma similar.

Por causa disso, existem várias versões e cronologias de '''Transformers''', o que causa MUITA confusão e dúvida. Somado a isso, a série foi muito mal planejada e apresentou problemas de execução. Desenhos mal feitos, roteiros contraditórios e com pouca ênfase em detalhes importantes, falta de continuidade, brinquedos que não se pareciam com os personagens. Há vários motivos para tornar a série um fracasso.

Porém, a série '''Transformers''', mesmo com tantos pontos negativos, foi muito bem aceita, conquistando vários fãs. Provavelmente, o segredo está nos brinquedos lançados, dando um aspecto mágico ao transformá-los em várias formas. A série foi e ainda continua fazendo sucesso até hoje, sendo comercializada em diversas mídias e gerando grande número de produtos licenciados.

== Principais mídias e produtos ==
* [[Transformers: Desenho animado]]
* Transformers: Quadrinhos
* Transformers: Linhas de brinquedos
* Transformers: Movies e filmes
* Transformers: Videogame
* Transformers: Jogos
* [[Transformers: Filme de Animação]]
* [[Transformers (filme)|Transformers: Filme de Computação Gráfica]]

== Referências ==

=={{Ligações externas}}==
===Sites oficiais===
* [http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/ Site oficial da Hasbro]
* [http://www.takaratoys.co.jp/TF/index.html Site oficial da Takara]
* [http://www.transformersmovie.com Site oficial do filme, estréia em 04/07/2007]

===Sites especializados===
* [http://www.tfbrasil.net ATB - Aliança Transformers Brasil]
* [http://www.universotf.com.br Universo Transformers]
* [http://www.seibertron.com Seibertron.com]


[[en:Transformers universes]]
[[fr:Transformers (univers de fiction)]]

.Passa o mouse

Aprenda 3D Studio MAX
Curso CD-ROM Interativo em Videoaulas.

Torrent / AVI
Sites para baixar legendas:

www.legendas.tv, www.soseries.tv, www.legendasbrasil.com.br e www.legendando.com.br


1° Temporada

Lion man Branco

Tamanho: 170 MB
Duração: 30 Min aprox.

Host: Megaupload

créditos: sekaiotaku

Idioma: Japonês

Formato: AVI

Episódio 1
Episódio 2
Episódio 3
Episódio 4
Episódio 5
Episódio 6
Episódio 7
Episódio 8
Episódio 9
Episódio 10
Episódio 11
Episódio 12
Episódio 13
Episódio 14
Episódio 15
Episódio 16
Episódio 17
Episódio 18
Episódio 19
Episódio 20
Episódio 21
Episódio 22
Episódio 23
Episódio 24
Episódio 25
Episódio 26
Episódio 27
Episódio 28
Episódio 29
Episódio 30
Episódio 31
Episódio 32
Episódio 33
Episódio 34
Episódio 35
Episódio 36
Episódio 37

Lion Man

1° Temporada

ep1. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RSXFJLWD
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ep24. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QEAZXKP0
ep25. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=31FV6824


Sinopse: O planeta Maris, lar de uma antiga civilização a muito desaparecida, é colonizado por pioneiros da terra e a tornam uma grande colonia de sucesso. Esse planeta é tão parecido com a terra que Maris é considerado uma segunda Terra, onde vive uma grande colônia de seres humanos.
A paz dura até o ano 2387, quando os invasores do Império Noza iniciam seu ataque e os humanos não têm como enfrentá-los.
Com força armada superior ao das forças de defesa de Maris, o exército Noza consegue derrotar faclmente todas as forças de combates de Maris.
Os nozas precisam eliminar todos no planeta antes do momento do nascimento da próxima geração de nozas que está prestes a acontecer.
Quando a situação parecia sem saida para a humanidade, três armas desconhecidas são encontradas dentro de um cristal triangular. Essas armas são chamadas de Zillion, em homenagem a antiga civilização que viveu em Maris.
Três jovens combatentes são selecionados para usar as pistolas Zillion, são somente conhecidos por seus nomes códigos: "Apple", "Champ" e "JJ". Ajudados por um pequeno grupo de homens e mulheres, os White Nuts (W.N), começam um contra ataque cotra o exército invasor Noza.

Título: Zillion (Zillion)
Formato: AVI
Qualidade: TV-Rip
Codec: DIV3
Video: 320 x 234, 15 fps
Audio: 22.050 Hz, 32 kbps, Mono
Duração Média: 021 min
Tamanho Médio: 130 MB
Total de episódios: 031
Idioma Audio: Português
Colaborador: dogmau

Episódios (1ª Temporada - 1987)
01 - O Meu Nome é JJ - Clique aqui para Baixar!
02 - A Cilada dos Ninjas - Clique aqui para Baixar!
03 - A Chance é de 0.1 Segundos - Clique aqui para Baixar!
04 - A Rebeldia de Apple - Clique aqui para Baixar!
05 - O Cerco à Glória - Clique aqui para Baixar!
- Legenda!
06 - Tri-Charger em Ação - Clique aqui para Baixar!
07 - A Batalha Decisiva: JJ e Ricks - Clique aqui para Baixar!
08 - Destrua a Fortaleza - Clique aqui para Baixar!
09 - O Roubo da Zillion - Clique aqui para Baixar!
10 - O Contra-Ataque de Ricks - Clique aqui para Baixar!
11 - A Ressurreição do Novo Zillion
12 - A Arma Tríplice - Clique aqui para Baixar!
13 - A Única Chance - Clique aqui para Baixar!
14 - Campo de Batalha de Nightgale - Clique aqui para Baixar!
15 - A Vida e a Morte Parte 1 - Clique aqui para Baixar!
16 - A Vida e a Morte Parte 2 - Clique aqui para Baixar!
17 - 17 - A Busca de JJ - Clique aqui para Baixar!
18 - O Desafio dos Nozas - Clique aqui para Baixar!
19 - O Níquel Fatal - Clique aqui para Baixar!
20 - A Desilusão - Clique aqui para Baixar!
21 - O Franco Atirador - Clique aqui para Baixar!
22 - A Vitória Inesperada - Clique aqui para Baixar!
23 - Bio Arma Diabólica - Clique aqui para Baixar!
24 - Guerreiro Bongo - Clique aqui para Baixar!
25 - Apple, A Fugitiva - Clique aqui para Baixar!
26 - A Vingança do Demônio - Clique aqui para Baixar!
27 - O Sanguinário - Clique aqui para Baixar!
28 - A Misteriosa Força de Zillion - Clique aqui para Baixar!
29 - A Morte de Ricks - Clique aqui para Baixar!
30 - O Retorno do Planeta Maris - Clique aqui para Baixar!
31 - A Chama da Vitória - Clique aqui para Baixar!

Torrent / AVI
Sites para baixar legendas:

www.legendas.tv, www.soseries.tv, www.legendasbrasil.com.br e www.legendando.com.br


1° Temporada

2° Temporada

3° Temporada

4° Temporada
Parte 1: http://www.fulldls.com/get_tv_70032
Parte 2: http://www.fulldls.com/get_tv_70031

5° Temporada

Pacote - Série Completa


Swat Cats

Torrent / AVI
Sites para baixar legendas:

www.legendas.tv, www.soseries.tv, www.legendasbrasil.com.br e www.legendando.com.br


Pacote Completo:

RMVB / Legendado

1° Temporada

1x01 Thy Kingdom Come

1x02 Death's Kingdom

1x03 Goodbye Kiss

1x04 The West Side Of Midnight

1x05 Hook's Kingdom

1x06 The Young And The Headless

1x07 Black Noise

1x08 Heartless

1x09 Butterfingers

1x10 The Passion Of Reverend Jimmy

1x11 Seizure Day

1x12 Shoulda Stood In Bed

1x13 Finale

Hello Kitty


Ela e sua irmã gêmea, Mimmy, compartilham com você e toda sua família divertidas aventuras.
Em cada episódio, estas lindas gatinhas aprenderão lições importantes sobre: Segurança, computação, bons modos... e Muito mais.

Informações Técnicas:
Titulo: Hello Kitty (Dublado)
Video: DivX 720x480, 29 quadros/s
Audio: MPEG Layer-3 56 Kbps
Qualidade: DVDRIP
Idioma: Português-BR
Duração Média: 10 Minutos
Resolução: 704x400
Tamanho: 50 Mb
Ripador e Colaborador: FaiTh_MaN

Aberturas e Encerramentos
Abertura - MediaFire

Episódio 1 - Um Bom Dia Colorido - MediaFire
Episódio 2 - Uma Aventura de Livro de História - Em Breve
Episódio 3 - A Cozinha de Kitty - Em Breve
Episódio 4 - Um Dia com Papai - Em Breve
Episódio 5 - Kitty Subterrânea - Em Breve
Episódio 6 - Olha o Passarinho - Em Breve
Episódio 7 - Teatro de Sombras - Em Breve
Episódio 8 - Era Uma Vez Uma Kitty - Em Breve
Episódio 9 - Um Passeio na Cidade - Em Breve

Psi Factºr

Torrent / AVI
Sites para baixar legendas:

www.legendas.tv, www.soseries.tv, www.legendasbrasil.com.br e www.legendando.com.br


1° Temporada

2° Temporada

3° Temporada


Married... with Children (tradução: Casado... com filhos) (também conhecida como Um Amor de Família no Brasil) é uma sitcom americana sobre uma problemática família de Chicago. Nos EUA, ela foi exibida de 5 de abril de 1987 a 9 de junho de 1997.do show é Al Bundy, um fracassado vendedor de sapatos. Acompanham-no sua esposa Peggy, uma dona-de-casa relapsa; Kelly, sua filha bonita porém burra e promíscua e Bud, seu filho nerd e pouco popular. A música de abertura dos programas é de Frank Sinatra, "Love and Marriage". A série continua sendo exibida nos Estados Unidos em reprises, assim como em vários países do mundo.

1a Temporada
Um amor de familia S01E01 - PILOTO

Um amor de familia S01E02

Um amor de Familia S01E03 RMVB LEG. PT-BR

UM amor de Familia S01E04 RMVB LEG PT-BR

Um amor de Familia S01E05 RMVB LEG PT-BR

UM amor de familia S01E06 - LET PT-BR

Um amor de Familia S01E07 - LEG PT-BR

Um amor de Familia S01E08 - LEG PT-BR

Um amor de Familia S01E09 RMVB LEG. PT-BR

Um amor de Familia S01E10 RMVB LEG. PT-BR

Um amor de Familia S01E11 RMVB LEG. PT-BR

Um amor de familia S01E13 LEG PT-BR

A série é centrada em quatro irmãos irlandeses meio que metidos no submundo do crime. Tommy é o esperto, que quer ir pra faculdade, Jimmy é o esquentado, que coloca todos em confusão, e os dois mais apagados, Kevin (azarado) e Sean (garanhão). A estória é toda narrada pelo Joey Ice Cream, um malandro de Hell's Kitchen, bairro deles, que acompanhou toda a trajetória dos caras, desde meninos até a grande confusão com os italianos.

RMVB / Legendado

1° Temporada

1x00 - Episódio Especial | God Is a Commedian (Sem Legenda)

1x01 - Pilot

1x02 - A Stone of the Heart

1x03 - The World Will Break Your Heart

1x04 - Lies

1x05 - Run Like Hell

1x06 - The Only Thing Sure


A quem cabe nao sei, so sei que nao é a nos, humanos quem hoje vive num mundo complicado que talvez nos mesmos o tornou assim. Mais fazer o que julgar, acho que isso é algo que praticamente em encontra-se em todas as pessoas, mais humanos como todos erram entao com certeza nem todos serao justos ou corretos com seus julgamentos, julgando as vezes uma pessoa que por quase todo o tempo é uma pessoa que tenta fazer coisas boas ou pelo menos nao fazer nada que venha a ferir alguem corporalmente ou moralmente, quando ela comete um erro la vem os julgamentos essa pessoas nao presta é um vagabundo essas coisas entre outros chingamento ou melhor julgamentos que talvez nao deveriam ser colocados nesse jeito sempre a outras alternativas, mais como hoje em dia é quase um cliche dizer (Se ele fez isso para mim no minimo ele merece o mesmo ou senao pior.) mas por que isso? Sera que temos mesmo que criar esse casulo que muitos criam para nao demonstra suas fraquezas interior ou sua falta de auto confiança, ta certo que nao devemos nos entregar com a melhor de nossas intençoes para qualquer um mais tambem ser o que nao somos é complicado um dia como uma borboleta que tem seu casulo tem que abandonar ele, dai vai ser nesse momento que de tanto voce encenar essa imagem quando precisar ser voce mesmo talvez nao va conseguir porque voce se tornou apenas mais um que esta partilhando de um mundo onde falar um simples PERDAO ou um ME DESCULPE é dificil, posso estar parecendo meio ironico ou quem sabe cetico quanto as coisas mais o pior que acho que nao estou tao errado é apenas observar um pouco as coisas.

Triste Nao???

Entao me desculpe se ao me expressar posso estar sendo erroneo mais nao me embasei em mim proprio e sim num todo do nosso cotidiano .

A major factor in any effort to keep our local environment clean and enhance recycling and other noble initiatives is that so many of the habits we learn as children in America carry on when we become adults. When I see someone throw trash on the street, despite the fact that there is a trash bin on almost every corner, I can only conclude that people who do this merely lacked the proper education taught by school and home which would have ground clean living into their minds, before they became adults and it was too late for them. So, in that sense, we all have failed when an adult litters. Yet, there is still time for each new generation of children to be reminded of their duty to keep a clean community. That is why we need to, at every turn, find small ways each day to teach these important, valuable lessons on environmental conservation, recycling and preventing waste. One interesting thing I have taken notice of in the past few months is how few people carry with them a handkerchief. As I live in Japan, each person, young or old, always has their handy handkerchief, and not just for blowing their nose in. From wiping sweat off brows on a hot summer day, to drying off hands after using a public toilet, that little handkerchief does much more when put to full use. I remember a time when I was a child that people in our country used to carry handkerchiefs with them, a cultural habit that has, for all intents and purposes, disappeared. Particularly when one thinks about those public toilet facilities, we see paper towels strewn across the floor, on the sinks, overflowing from the garbage containers, creating this little space of environmental filth. If we can start to teach our kids to always have a handkerchief at the ready, they can learn a simple environmental lesson. As a City Council Member, I will work with the Department of Education and private schools to make it a requirement for parents to give their children a handkerchief as part of the items they must have with them at school. Through this, we will also be able to reach out to parents, who might have forgotten how their parents or grandparents used to have their handkerchiefs on them. I also will work together with out local businesses such as bars, cafes and restaurants and public institutions to request they install hot-air hand dryers in their toilet facilities rather than pile heaps of paper towels for people to dry their hands with, teaming up withe the local Chambers of Commerce to get the message out far and wide. In this small step, we can drastically reduce paper waste and provide a life lesson that can have positive impact as we move forward to find those daily methods to keep our community clean.

This site will detail my views for the public for my run for the City Council in 2009 in Northwest Queens (District 26) as an Independent Candidate. I hope this site serves the interest of the community in offering a choice outside of the candidates traditionally anointed by the Republican and Democratic Parties. I welcome feedback so post your comments. Enjoy!With New York City being the most populous of all cities in the United States, the difficulty of properly responding to the needs of individual boroughs and communities increases. Queens, for example, would be one of the largest cities in America if it were an independent entity unto itself. Further, we are blessed in New York City, particularly in Queens and Brooklyn, with Borough Presidents that have the capabilties to recognize deficiencies and implement solutions to borough-wide problems. As a City Council Member, I will propose changes to the City Charter which will increase the executive power and budgetary capacity of Borough Presidents, and explore with these officials ways in which each borough can respond to its particular needs.

A major factor in any effort to keep our local environment clean and enhance recycling and other noble initiatives is that so many of the habits we learn as children in America carry on when we become adults. When I see someone throw trash on the street, despite the fact that there is a trash bin on almost every corner, I can only conclude that people who do this merely lacked the proper education taught by school and home which would have ground clean living into their minds, before they became adults and it was too late for them. So, in that sense, we all have failed when an adult litters. Yet, there is still time for each new generation of children to be reminded of their duty to keep a clean community. That is why we need to, at every turn, find small ways each day to teach these important, valuable lessons on environmental conservation, recycling and preventing waste. One interesting thing I have taken notice of in the past few months is how few people carry with them a handkerchief. As I live in Japan, each person, young or old, always has their handy handkerchief, and not just for blowing their nose in. From wiping sweat off brows on a hot summer day, to drying off hands after using a public toilet, that little handkerchief does much more when put to full use. I remember a time when I was a child that people in our country used to carry handkerchiefs with them, a cultural habit that has, for all intents and purposes, disappeared. Particularly when one thinks about those public toilet facilities, we see paper towels strewn across the floor, on the sinks, overflowing from the garbage containers, creating this little space of environmental filth. If we can start to teach our kids to always have a handkerchief at the ready, they can learn a simple environmental lesson. As a City Council Member, I will work with the Department of Education and private schools to make it a requirement for parents to give their children a handkerchief as part of the items they must have with them at school. Through this, we will also be able to reach out to parents, who might have forgotten how their parents or grandparents used to have their handkerchiefs on them. I also will work together with out local businesses such as bars, cafes and restaurants and public institutions to request they install hot-air hand dryers in their toilet facilities rather than pile heaps of paper towels for people to dry their hands with, teaming up withe the local Chambers of Commerce to get the message out far and wide. In this small step, we can drastically reduce paper waste and provide a life lesson that can have positive impact as we move forward to find those daily methods to keep our community clean.

Yesterday and today has been a test for my daughter and myself. She is being tested to learn the formalities of the Japanese culture which can be extremely tough to master. When I first came to Japan in 1993, I went through the same problem, but I was already an adult, so I could logically know when or when not to do something. It does appear that as my daughter is but 6 years old, and the majority of her formative experiences were in America, she does not respond well to some aspects of Japanese culture. Take for example responding to someone when they call your name out. In the U.S. the kids usually ignore their parents then come running in the room to see what is up. In Japan, children are taught to respect the authority of elders, and to say yes immediately after someone calls for them. Well, in our little home here in Japan, this has been two full days of debate over why my daughter refuses to acknowledge her elders, and why she will not apologize for her misdeed. Now, of course I am stuck between a rock and a hard place, because, as an American in essence, sometimes, when I feel I am right, I wish not to apologize meaninglessly for fear of lowering myself in front of others. In the end, Japanese culture has overtaken me, and now I apologize profusely for sometimes small and insignificant matters, lowering my head in shame. But, I do realize that for my daughter, this is a true test of her American half and her Japanese half. It is hard, but we often have to change ourselves to fit into the local culture, particularly in Japan, where you only really get one chance. Now, my daughter sits moping around like the world has ended, and I do not even know what to say to her. Maybe I will talk to her later when her mom and grandmother are not around, so that I can put some context into what they are demanding of her. The lesson here my friends, and I think this applies to Northwest Queens, where there are so many immigrant families. We all, as a community, must work together to raise our children in our morays and habits. If not for us, than for them, so that they will be able to adjust to our way of life and find success just a little bit easier in the future. It is hard, and as much as we like to isolate ourselves among our fellow country persons in our world, to build that cohesiveness, it is vital that all of us work double-time to draw in our new immigrants and show them our ways, and they can show us their ways, and we try to help them learn that, if they pick up some of the good habits, ignore the bad ones, and add some of their own good habits from their old country, we can grow a community which is stronger and more enduring, so that 100 years from now, people will remember the efforts by our generation to create more of a big family rather than some nebulous area on a political map. This work starts at the earliest ages, and parents, teachers and community elders much create a level field through aggressive outreach to make this more of reality than an ideal.

I am not one to deny that we as people want to label others in terms of their political beliefs. It makes it easier to have a conversation about someone else when you can say that they are a conservative, moderate or liberal. And there is nothing all that wrong in searching for a way to relate to a person or political candidate. I think the greatest knock on people who want to identify as independents is that they are really just holding out as a swing vote until election time rolls around to appear as if they can be swayed one way or another, but in the end they are either going to vote for a Democrat or Republican. Nothing wrong there either. My vision of what an independent should be is a fully functioning representative tied more to issues than to party. I was a registered Democrat for almost my entire voting adult life, until I realized that not everyone fits into neat little packages when it comes to their belief system, and I began to reject the way local political parties are fiefdoms for small groups of loyalists, with everyone scurrying to get as close to the ear of someone in power as possible. There was something surreal about it, almost like idol-worship. Conversations at political events with everyone in the room always seemed to me to be forced, and the responses glib and expected, predetermined and ultimately unfulfilled on so many human levels. Maybe it was my own unique experience in life that made or makes me feel this way, but I enjoy the company of each and every person I meet, and I want to get to know them for who they really are. I was told by a very wise old Japanese man I met here that it is the second impression that really counts, not the first one. Keeping that in mind, I ultimately determined that I could best work as a servant of the residents by laying out my beliefs, my hopes, dreams and definable goals for you in this blog so you could make your own determination as to whether I fit into a political ideology. I guess in the end we will all be defined this way, but I am curious as to how others perceive me as a person and this candidacy in general. Then again, I can identify with people from all political stripes, so maybe the final tally will reflect that.

As I was coming home today, I was thinking about how we as residents of our district can understand more about what we need to be doing to improve our area. Without even leaving the borough, Queens provides ready examples where a combination of concerned citizens, proactive civic groups and political leadership have already brought the kinds of changes we seek here. Take for example Business Improvement Districts (BID) zones which I have already discussed before in a previous blog. Sunnyside will soon have its very own, but Steinway Street has had one for years, so has Austin Street in Forest Hills and Jamaica Avenue in Jamaica. Communities within communities have taken it upon themselves, for the most part, to bring the benefits of the BID to their slice of the borough. Economic development does not exist in a bubble; therefore, the better one area of Queens does, I do believe the entire economy of the borough is raised. I was fortunate enough in the past two years to have visited each part of the borough extensively, marveling at the differences in community economic activity with my own eyes, and also the state of cleanliness and order. I found Fresh Meadows to be, by far, one of the nicest and cleanest parts of the borough, though they have some issues with the lack of public transportation when compared to Western Queens. I saw the greatest improvements being made in Flushing, particularly the area around Main Street, with new bank branches, new office spaces, new homes and a plan for the future, which becomes clear merely by riding the No. 7 train into the terminal station. The point being, a leisurely stroll through any one of the many neighborhoods of the borough helps not only to compare what is happening in our district as opposed to others, but the visits themselves offer up ideas for us on how to deal with pressing needs and long term goals. My friends, nothing I have seen or heard since I have come back to New York, barring few exceptions which I will highlight in future postings, are all that original or unique, regardless of how hard some people insist they are. Someone, maybe one of you, might have planted the seeds for our future in someone else's mind, and it then eventually landed into my consciousness. I certainly did not invent the BID, nor was I the first to call for one on Roosevelt Avenue, but I hope that through this candidacy, those great ideas that are already in the public domain make their way to tangible programs in the district. What we can all be certain of is that our community has some amazing people doing amazing things, thinking of great ideas that could positively impact our lives if they were channeled into a plan for action. I hope I can be the person in our community who moves these goals forward.

In my life, certain words people use have spurred me forward more strongly, and these would be the words 'Can't' and 'No'. 'Can't' implies impossibility and 'No' reveals an unwillingness to venture. Now, there are things in life which for one reason or another become undoable, but without trying, one may never know. My entire 12 years in Japan ran against the advice of every single person I knew. Not one person ever emerged in my life that advocated me being in Japan. The truth be told, my entire adult life has been altered and framed by this experience. Yet, whenever I hear negative words, they amuse me on the surface, and cause a pit in my stomach on the other because I have always tried to weigh all factors before making a decision. I believe when people tell you not to even try, they are speaking, lacking your personal experience. To achieve something with no effort is uneventful, but to achieve nothing after having given it your all will bring satisfaction, if not in this life, than in the next. My life has seen me put tremendous effort into projects, many of them leading down roads to nowhere. Such is life. Then, a light appears, and if you follow it without fail it will lead to something far greater than could have been imagined. The test for me has been to focus all of the energy I receive from others, good or bad, and channel it to moving forward, always ahead, on the march. Often in life, we are confronted with a challenge to our goals. I think the greatest threat to one's dreams is telling them they cannot reach that dream, or even worse, it is not even worth their time to think about it. It, for all intents and purposes, pulls the rug from out under a person's being, their soul, and forces them to needlessly work twice as hard to prove they can, when your helping hand and encouragement may have added true value and meaning. Too many of us get locked into a world of anger at others, seeing differences of opinion as an affront rather than a lesson in civility. When two people disagree without being disagreeable, they have a better chance of forming a great relationship with each other. I hope I can be that can-do person for our community.

Well, I was back at the Tokyo Big Sight again today for an exhibition on Japan's wireless systems, but as a bonus, the Japanese chemical companies were holding their own show in the next hall, so I was able to move from one to the other without incident, collecting about 35 business cards, for me meaning 35 more potential customers. Many companies were from Taiwan this time, and it was good to share our common experiences in the Japanese market. I also met with a manager from Infineon based in Germany, and he reminded me so much of me that it was weird, but a pleasant surprise nonetheless. This time, all the big Japanese companies were out in force, with each one of them customizing their semiconductor standards, which incidentally makes it harder for U.S. companies to compete here, because in America, everybody seems to want simple and standard. A simple case in point: Do you not want to Plug & Play your devices with devices made by different manufacturers? Of course you do, and that is the secret of the U.S. system, something I was not totally aware of until I compared it with the competing standards in Japan. We see one example in the race between the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray consortiums, only this time it is groups of Japan's largest electronics companies squaring off rather than a one-on-one scenario like the Beta vs. VHS race between Sony and Matsushita Electric (Panasonic to you and I) which Panasonic ultimately won. Between this competition for customization, price competition with neighboring countries to Japan and a lack of will, it would seem, on the U.S. side to react to the move away from the formerly global standards our nation promoted. So there is this give and take, and if we as Americans are not on top of the tremendous economic activity going on in Asia, I fear that we will eventually fall too far behind. It is only a matter of time before companies like Apple Inc. run out of steam or friendly media coverage of their new products, then where will be be. Our business people have to hit the ground everywhere or else our presence will not be felt. I saw a handful of companies that I did not even know were American until I asked certain questions. I do not even sense we are in this competition to win in the long term. Just some thoughts on today's event. Yet, I had the chance to talk to so many people, I can hardly remember their names, but I have their cards and will contact them again. My friends, we are in for a serious, rough and tumble competitive global marketplace that I do not think we are as well-prepared as we should be. Once again, it is all about presence, or, conversely, like a vacuum. When it is empty, someone else will fill the void. Have you ever heard the phrase 'Nero Fiddled as Rome Burned'. I sincerely hope we are not Rome, and not because of the fiddling, because we need to get our people out to these events and walk the walk, shake some hands, do some bowing and make some deals that bring new jobs and technologies to our nation. OK then. If not the nation, then to our neck of the woods. I hope as a City Council Member, I can be actively involved in organizing international trade shows in our borough. If we will not go to them, maybe they will come to us, and I know they want to. For sure, something different has to happen. There was a time in America where the Hoover vacuum salesman spoke much about the American ideal of packing one's bags and wares, going door-to-door to promote their goods, from the highest mountaintops in need be. Regardless of rapid telecommunications technology, when we do not meet others face-to-face on their territory, we are ceding the ground to everyone else and I worry about the consequences to our economy in the long term. Incidentally, America tends to have big trade shows in Las Vegas, but how many of the participants are really focused on the trade show. Most of them are probably thinking about hitting the tables at night, so while it is flashy, are deals being made which benefit both sides. It is hard to say from my vantage point, but the question needs to be raised. In any case, I took some more action photos of the event. The staff this time allowed us to take pictures inside the exhibit, so enjoy!

In the course of our struggles and toils in the progress of our community, we are tested by the powerful drumbeat of general ills and a destitution of the spirit, which saps needed energy for a cause greater than ourselves. Long years of constant demoralization of our metal fiber has left us today, my friends, with the greatest of challenges: the sustainability of our home and the march forward, always forward, to a tomorrow better and with us as mortals in this place, this time, finding reason for our being, resolving to end the bitterness and complacency of 250,000's of us. The greatness of the coming days cannot be built on solid soil without the grief of our labors in this moment. The hour is approaching for us to make decisions as fine as silk and as strong as steel glistening brightly, advancing the cause of our progress, and the union of the old and the new. This election in 2009 will bring forth many trials which seek to sap us of our will to see this through to the end and victory. The recriminations and barriers constructed in our path cannot be easily overcome. To bring to an end the utter domination of the political system as we have accepted and known in Northwest Queens to one party or the other, and offering a new way ahead through this unity of purpose between the elected official and the issues which bind together the citizens forming links that over time will not be broken or damaged. Our endeavor to reshape the nature of the relationship between your servant in government and the community may ultimately inspire similar movements in all quarters. Our charge is to make this election a glimpse into the world of the possible. Complaints not backed by fortitude and fidelity can only lead to despair among the greater, and in the end weaken the land of the lesser, for it is the lesser part of our nature to seek fault where there is none; to blame rather than console and walk hand-in-hand until we have removed the dark cloud of negativity tying the immovable bureaucratic institutions to elected politicians working for the benefit of the few and ultimately for the one, and finally the small cadre of enablers and town criers, spreading more negativity with dour predictions. My friends, my candidacy is about the honor I feel when people who support this idea loan me the strength to go to a higher level, and where I can in the unfolding events hope to contribute my ideas to you, creating a team and a mission that, when preparations are careful and true, and when all are seeing this same object off in the distance, then, and only then, will the stiffening winds of change blow through with the freshest of air and a renewed sense of our connection to our neighbor, one that can catapult the positive light to touch all who come in contact with it. I ask you, if not for me than for yourselves, to leave the despair and drudgery and bitter complaining behind to the ash heap of days gone by to a new era of an interactive community open to all where roles and responsibilities are paramount, and the preservation of the clean and the order and the right trump the natural inclinations of those in control at the present time to continue along the same route they are so familiar with. I implore you again: life has many roads to travel; some are safe, meaning the known entity, some are unsafe, meaning the unknown entity, and some are unknown, meaning that it is up to us to reveal the destiny that awaits us on the other side. Join with me on this odyssey of the possible and we may find a path to victory in the election, but, most importantly, a victory for the people, the thousands of our citizens, who took the fateful step and determined to vote for an unaligned independent candidate in our City Council Election.

Reflecting on past times and my development as a person, I cannot stress enough the importance of others in helping to form and even alter my character, and for the better I believe. At the top of this list is my wife, Yoko. Without her, there would have never been a Japan in my future. When I first met her 18 years ago, I could have never expected that she would become my only girlfriend and wife, and that I would have spent 12 years in her country, Japan. And that is the mystery of life my friends. There is only destinies to be fulfilled, if not in this life than in the next. Yoko sees the pitfalls and obstacles in the way, where I normally see open field. But, is not balance achieved through polar opposites juxtaposed in such a position as to balance the fulcrum? That much is true, but what drives me forward on the long road ahead is seeing with my own eyes this other place I have lived for so long, realizing that there are people who come to America not necessarily because life is better in our nation, or that they can make more money. Some come following that America dream, that image they in their own country heard about and learned about and dreamt about from childhood. I think Yoko is this kind of person. I can speak from firsthand experience that the quality of life in Japan is higher than what we are used to in New York, and you would be amazed to hear that it actually costs less to live in today's Japan than in Northwest Queens. I am. Yet, you get all the extras in Japan. You get efficiency, you get cleanliness, you get a sense that the individual cares about their surroundings. People here are not consumed by politics. Work, the environment and the economy are more on their minds. Yoko is different in that sense, because we often discuss the politics of East Asia, including the local government in Saitama City, my other home here in Japan, and our shared experience in Woodside. She reminds me always that it is as much the role of the individual, policing themselves, practicing restraint, respecting others, and a commitment to constantly improve that makes Japan into a marvel of technology and innovation, and makes me feel a little jealous, because it makes Queens and New York look old and behind the times. She tells me that it is as important for us as Americans to learn from the outside as it is for us to go around the world singing our praises and tooting our own horns. While we in Northwest Queens talk a big game, if I may, the community I live in Japan, a place called Kita-ku (actually a comparable location to ours in many ways), actually provides the clean and new buses, a local (and comfortable) town hall where people can interact with the local government, perfectly paved roads that never have potholes, enough housing for all and, I might add, a constant desire to keep improving. I have seen and heard about this same ethic to go beyond happening in South Korea, Taiwan and China. Yoko is the person I needed in my life to remind me that the world does not revolve around America all the time. While we Americans do a lot of talking, others around the world are doing the doing, improving the lives of their citizens, raising the standards of living, without inflating prices, without gouging, without the whining and complaining which leads moreoften to nothing getting accomplished than anything of substance. My friends, I want Northwest Queens to be a model for sustainable growth. I do not want to live in a world where Northwest Queens, or New York City, or America falls behind, because that is what is happening. We are all to blame for the moaning and groaning and the complaining and the harping and, in the end, nothing gets accomplished. Our neighborhoods have become breeding grounds for negative people to promote their negative view of the world on others, hampering progress for all of the souls who live within our district. We are blessed to have people from close to 200 nations coming to Queens as first generation immigrants who can tell us about what works in their nation so that we can pick up some great ideas and apply them right here in the community, but instead we get no real outreach to the greatest resource Queens has, its people. Instead, what we get are those who actively ignore the changes going on in our world and our neighborhood, satisfying themselves with belittling others, creating false impressions about other people and their ideas, ultimately stopping advancement but leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of the people who are sincere, who are positive and want to engage the future with open arms and find solutions. I utterly reject negativity and negative people. There are no islands of knowledge, only walls which prevent its free transfer between people. I hope that this candidacy with break down walls, spur honest debate about the true state of affairs in the district, expose for all to see that our abandonment of the political and governmental processes of this entire district and borough to one party or the other continues to leaves swaths of our borough last on line and frozen in time.

Today, I had a meeting with an existing client of ours. For a Japanese woman president, she is truly a trailblazer in a society still dominated by men, so that is always a fresh breath of air, yet, regardless of who one deals with here, the key is patience. It is said that one of the chief reasons American businesses fail in Japan is because by the time the Japanese make a decision to work together with their U.S. counterpart, the U.S. business has either moved on to other things or lost way too much time and money to continue further efforts. The Japanese decision-making process can take time, and it not unusual for discussions to go on for months or years before a business deal is reached. Yet, it is my firm opinion that patience in sitting through never ending meetings in Japan and doing a lot of listening rather than talking will bear much more fruit than giving up half way through. Doing business in Japan requires patience, iron-clad resolve and an investment of time to get to know your potential business partners. I find that I am able to transplant this ideas quite easily to America, because when one is doing the listening and considering, rather than speaking in a one-way direction, you can get a truer picture of the intentions and considerations of the other party. One of our cultural habits as Americans is to cut people off mid-sentence when we have a thought. In Japan, that is a major taboo. You wait until the other person has finished their though before responding. My friends, complex problems, negotiations with potential clients, or for a City Council Member, other members of the Council, the Mayor's administration, local civic leaders and residents requires more patience on the part of all involved, especially the City Council Member, or prospective one such as I. Without careful consideration of the other party's point of view, their input or advice, plans or goals become that much harder to implement. I hope to be a candidate and City Council Member who does much listening, but not a blind starting kind of listening, I mean an interactive dialogue where all of the points the person I am speaking to are taken into account so that your problems can be solved. I find learning lessons in literally every minute I am alive, and Japan has taught me many things about waiting and being patient with the process, as much as we in America look at the results. This mixing of a healthy, vibrant process and results I believe will make for better resolution to problems and a quicker achievement of goals you and I and this campaign have set forth for the election and beyond.

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