I believe the taxes should be reduced for the reason that middle class isn't as it was say twenty years ago. If you are considered Middle Class these days your actual income if probably far less than what your paying taxes for.
Middle Class America is actual in the poverty or close to bracket. Being taxed brings that extra burden on seeking other means just to stay afloat to be able to live. When you take inconsideration too self employed middle class the taxes are horrendous. You are basically taxed on everything and by time you pay your taxes you have spent that whole year working just to pay taxes.
Why should we pay the taxes for something we ourselves had no say in? The federal deficit is brought on by those in office taking it upon themselves to make choices without thought to how it affects Middle Class America and even those working who are in the poverty income area. The saying "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" is so very true! We are taxed out! You have taken so much of our hard earned income and still expect us to thrive and live with what is left over, it can't be done! Are we going to have to offer up our firstborn children?
What tax breaks do we get, none. We literally fight tooth and nail just to maintain our voice in the matter, and that voice is often hushed by those with the money and resources to shut us down... We pay the taxes so the rich don't have to, we pay the taxes so one's in office can sit around worrying about what can be done to lessen our federal deficit, well here's a thought quit spending our money...give it back.